The PIXELSTRIPDIP is a Led pixel mapping strip drive with input power of AC90V-260V and an output power of 36V. It has a power consumption of 36V 2200W and can support up to 32PCS of AL-DC180 units. The product is rated IP20 and comes with 2 DMX 3/5 pin In/Out ports and 2 Ethernet ports for signal input connection, and 2 Ethernet ports for signal output connection. The drive supports Art-Net, Kling-Net, DMX, Sound, Auto, and Preset Programs control protocols.



The PIXELSTRIPDIP is a Led pixel mapping strip drive with input power of AC90V-260V and an output power of 36V. It has a power consumption of 36V 2200W and can support up to 32PCS of AL-DC180 units. The product is rated IP20 and comes with 2 DMX 3/5 pin In/Out ports and 2 Ethernet ports for signal input connection, and 2 Ethernet ports for signal output connection. The drive supports Art-Net, Kling-Net, DMX, Sound, Auto, and Preset Programs control protocols.



  • Input Power: AC90V-260V
  • Output power: 36V
  • Power Consumption:36V 2200W(MeanWell PSU)
  • Max connection of Units: 32PCS of AL-DC180
  • IP Rating: IP20
  • Signal Input Connection: 2xDMX 3/5 pin In/Out ports +2xEthernet ports
  • Signal Output Connection (Ethernet): Ethernet ports
  • Control Protocol: Art-Net, Kling-Net, DMX, Sound, Auto, Preset Programs
  • Size: 2U Design
  • Weight: 5.5kg




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